Our chiropractic care team offers the highest quality care, education and coaching to every one of our patients. Please take a moment to review the services below and contact our office at (626) 287-5088 with questions or to make an appointment to meet with one of our specialists to discuss your personal situation. We look forward to working with you!
Chiropractic Care
Never before in the history of the chiropractic profession has the correction process been as effective and painless as it is today. Many of the newest, well-researched techniques generate progress quicker and more effectively than ever before. You can trust in the care we deliver to facilitate your optimal health and well-being.
Corrective Exercises
Nothing complements your spinal correction like strengthening weakened muscles and tissues with corrective movement and stretches. When your spine is out of alignment, your body may be using muscles and tissues incorrectly which causes weakening and sometimes pain. By working with our targeted movement programs, you will quickly build strength and flexibility while alleviating pain, headaches and lack of mobility. Dr. Chen will prescribe a movement plan directly related to your personal condition and will be checking you and your progress throughout your wellness program.
Lifestyle Guidelines
Most of us are unaware of the activities and lifestyle elements that may be aggravating our health and postural alignment. As an enhancement to chiropractic corrections, we offer lifestyle guidelines geared to help you fulfill your specific health and balance goals. This might include adding certain programs to your lifestyle such as meditation and avoiding other activities that sap your strength and alignment. We encourage you to inquire about our highly specialized lifestyle guideline sessions for a healthier, happier you.
Nutritional Coaching
Chiropractic care is intended to help patients achieve balance and restore optimal health. This requires eating to nourish your body and allow it the opportunity to convert food into energy. Dr. Chen may suggest certain dietary adjustments for you as well as vitamin supplementation. Our team can furnish you with an individualized food plan to help guide you to better eating for your specific needs.
Spinal & Postural Screenings
Dr. Chen is available to provide spinal screenings to your employees, coworkers, church groups and many types of organizations in order to help evaluate the health and well-being of each individual. This type of health information is essential for maintaining a pain free body in balance and can be an enjoyable activity to share with those in the workplace. Please call our office at (626) 287-5088 for details.